Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ways to Use a Noun in a Sentence


A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, idea, or action.
a) Subject - answers "who" or "what" before the verb.

b) Possessor - the noun that possesses something and has an apostrophe on it.

c) Direct Object - answers "whom" or "what" after the action verb.

d) Indirect Object - answers "to whom" or "to what" after a verb like "give" or "tell."

e) Object of a Preposition - the noun following the preposition.

f) Predicate Noun - equals the subject and comes after a "being" (linking) verb.

g) Appositive - a second noun further explaining the preceding noun and separated from it by a comma and not by a "being" verb.

h) Direct Address - the noun that is specifically named and spoken to in the sentence.


How is the word, "boy" used in the following sentences?

1.The boy's car is a Corvette.

2.Bill is a very stubborn boy.

3.Why are you sleeping in class, boy?

4.I told the boy a funny joke.

5.Bill, that boy, is very stubborn.

6.The teacher disciplined that boy.

7.That boy was disciplined by the teacher.

8.The teacher was upset with that boy.

9.Boy, you are asking for trouble!

10.Steve was the boy who got in trouble.

11.Steve was the boy's friend who got in trouble.

12.The teacher finally learned the truth about the boy.

13.Because he told the truth, the boy didn't get in trouble.

14.Because he told the truth, his mother didn't punish the boy.

15.Steve, the boy who got in trouble, is in my class.

16.His mother gave that boy a lecture.

17.In the following sentence, which word is the direct object? As of last Friday night, my stock was worth two thousand dollars.

18.In the following sentence, which word is the predicate noun? According to the principal, Bill's brother is the thief.

19.In the following sentence, which word is the possessor? According to the principal, Bill's brother is the thief.

20.In the following sentence, which word is the subject? According to the principal, Bill's brother is the thief.


1. possessor 2. predicate noun 3. direct address 4. indirect object 5. appositive 6. direct object 7. subject 8. object of a preposition 9. direct address (it could also be an interjection) 10. predicate noun 11. possessor 12. object of a preposition 13. subject 14. direct object 15. appositive 16. indirect object 17. dollars 18. thief 19. Bill’s 20. brother

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